03 十一月 2009

☆spm tips★

很惊讶吧~~ 不是说不开电脑了吗?
就是要spm 的soalan ramalan~~
bm kertas 1
soalan A
kitar semula(faedah) /pemanasan global(kesan/usaha)

soalan B
skop1- gejala buli di sekolah(langkah/punca)
┗penggunaan BI dlm pelajaran sains dan matematik(punca/langkah)
skop2-gejala kehilangan kanak2 dari rumah(faktor)
skop3-gejala lumba haram (langkah/punca)
┗pungunaan telefon bimbit dalam masyarakat
skop4-pemanasan global
┗kerjasama antara malaysia dan negara lain dlm membanteras jenayah
skop5-usul2 perpaduan yg terdapat dlm novel anda baca
kertas 2
prosa tradisional-sabor(f5),cerita bayan yg tidak menurut nasihat ibu bapa(f4)
sajak moden-jalan2 raya kotaku,anak laut di ruang temannya
novel-kritikal sosial,nilai,teknik plot ,perwatakan antagonis
kertas 2
section D- there is dead on opposite house
the road not taken
looking for rain god
novel- theme ,bad character ,happy occasion
BI paper 1 没拿到什么~~~~别骂我~~~
form 4
chapter 3
hypotonic,hypertonic,and isotonic solution★★★

chapter 4
lock and key hypotesis ★★★★★
factor affecting the activity of enzymes(4 factors)

chapter 5★★★
the phase of mitosis and meiosis
the importance of mitosis
application of knowledge of mitosis
chapter6 (impotrtant 4 paper 1)

chapter 7★★★★★
comparison between aerobic respiration and anarobic respiration
adaptotions of respiratory structure
explain breathing mechanism of human,amphibians,fish and insects

chapter 8
colonization and succession in mangrove swaps★★
nitrogen cycle

chapter 9
eutrophication and B.O.D value(paper3)★★
thinning of ozone layer(causes,impact and solutions)★★(esei)

form 5
chapter 1
active and passive immunity(esei)
factor tht affect the rate of transpiration(paper3)

chapter 2(objective)
chapter 3
osmoregulation-urine formation @blood glucose level

chapter 4
Oogenesis and spermatogenesis(s)
role of hormones in the menstrual cycle

chapter 5★★★★★
ABO blood group(esei)

chapter 6★★★
comparison between continuous varation and discontinuous varation(esei)
rate of tranpiration
urine formation

1.melting point experiment
2.empiricsl formular
3.periodic table dan transition element
4.ionic and covalent bond(physical properties)
5.electroplating and importance
6.daniel cell
7.(paper3)constructing ECS based on potential difference between 2 metal
8.titration(calculation,colour change of indicator)
9.preparation of soluble salt not of Na ,K,NH(ex zinc sulphate)
10.constructing ionic equation using the continuous variation method(including ploting graph)
11.contact process,haber process(calculating percentage of nitrogen by ass in ammonium fertilisers)
12.alloy-brass,bronze,composite material
13.rate of reaction(temperature, total surface area)
14.alcohol(isomer,preparation ,chemical reaction,naning
15.adventages of vulcanised rubber
16.redox(u-tube experiment)
17.heat of displacement,heat of combustion
18.preparation of soap(experiment),food additives and medicine
paper 2
section A
1.topic:measurement & scientific investigation
micrometer screw gange-accuracy & sensitive
length //current -ammeter /ma

2.topic :force & motion
impulsive force/impluse force

3.topic :forces & pressure
bernoli's principle
gas law:kinetic teori

4。topic :heat
specific heat capacity
┗application & sea breeza(day time)

5. light
refration of light -refractive index
critical angle(definition)
total internal reflaction

6. topic : electricity /electromagnetism
i:motor effect(I+B=F)
ii.eletromagnetic induction(induced current),faraday's law
eletric appliance/characteristic of heating element

7. topic: electronics
logic gate & truthtable

transverse & longitudinal

section B
9.topic : forces & pressure (f4)
archemide's principle & principle of ploatation-sadmarine

10.topic : radioactivity(f5)
decay equation/concept of halflife/concept of isotope -meaning and application in agriculture

section C
11.topic : forces &motion
concept of momentun /impluse /impulsive force

12. electromagnetism
transfomer -structure & working principle
┗national grip

paper 3
1.topic: forces & motion or forces & pressure
aα1/m the acceleration of an object depend on its mass

2.topic: electricity or eletromagnetism
i. the electric current flowing through a wire is influenced by de potential difference across it
ii. the strength of an electromagnet depend on the magnitude of electric current
mathematik & add math -这不用了吧~~一样的~~做往年考题就行了~~
solar energy
这只是ramalan 而已~~准不准我不知~~
还有别告我~~明吗~~~我没有bocorkan soalan~~`
sej 因为太多了~~想要的通知我~~我在pose 上来~~~
如有大家有什么tips 的话记得告诉我~~